Animal relocation

any people contact us asking us if we will relocate wildlife “someplace else.” There are many reasons why relocating wildlife is not humane, nor does it solve any problems. Here are the reasons why. Who Really Benefits from Trapping and Relocation? By far,...


Coventry Wildlife Rescue July 28 at 2:35 PM · This is Cookie, formerly known as Oreo. When we found out she was a girl Cookie just fit. She’s sweet. She’s been through a lot. Watched her mama die then curled up in the rain not knowing what to do....


Wildlife Detectives shared a post. Repeat after me. Wildlife is attracted to three things; Food, water and shelter. Wildlife is attracted to three things; food, water and shelter. If you don’t want raccoons in your yard, you must remove any and all food sources....

Raccoon Maternity Season

Wildlife Detectives This is why we do what we do. It is baby season right now, and it is very common for raccoons to get into open crawl spaces or attics, and give birth to their young. The raccoon mother has no intention of harming your family or pets. She just wants...

Little Fox

Wildlife Detectives Wonderful story about a reunite of baby foxes and their mom carried out by our partners at the Peninsula Humane Society. This story demonstrates that wild moms and their babies belong together. We are in the midst of baby season now and trapping...

Nocturnal animals

Wildlife Detectives shared Coventry Wildlife Rescue’s post Many people assume that if they see raccoons, foxes, skunks or coyotes out during daylight hours that something is wrong with the animal. This is a myth. If you see any of these animals out during the...


Wildlife Detectives shared Opossum Awareness & Advocacy’s photo. Opossums are not a rabies vector species. It is believed that their body temperature is too low for the virus to survive. #peacefulcoexistence #scrapthetrap #lovewildlife Opossum Awareness...


Wildlife Detectives Feeding pets outside is guaranteed to attract your wild neighbors looking for a meal. Not to mention, freaking out your beloved pet in the process. Just check out this kitty’s reaction to an opossum eating his food!...


Wildlife Detectives Curious about what one of our Wildlife Detectives can discover during a home inspection? During skunk mating season, we routinely find cuties like this little guy. NOTE – Not all of our inspections are this straightforward. -0:04 People have...