Dates For Bats Maternity Season
The seasons for bat maternity in the U.S. vary according to the climate. Warmer states have an earlier maternity season, and cooler states have a slightly later maternity season. By the end of the bat maternity season, all of the pups born in the spring will be able to fly, and they will no longer be left in the roost at night while the mothers feed.

Little Brown Bat (Myotis) Maternity Season: June 1 – August 15
Big Brown Bat Maternity Season: June 1 – August 15
Mexican Free Tail Bat Maternity Season: May 20 – August 10

Safe Removal
Removing bats from a home or building involves installing exclusion techniques so don’t try to do it yourself. These are one-way devices, so the bats can exit, but they cannot return through the device. Only the adult bats fly out at night; therefore, the removal works only on the adult bats. If there are flightless baby bats in the roost, they are stuck in there without their mothers to feed them resulting in death. Is crucial to respect the guidelines and time frame for bat removal.
Bats are protected by Law.
Bats are protected species so the removal of bats during the maternity season is not only illegal but inhumane. Bats are beneficial to the environment due to their insects and pests eating habits. Occasionally, there are special circumstances where an order is provided by the state allowing for the removal of the bats during the maternity season, but these orders are not given in ordinary situations. If you remove bats during the maternity season without a special permit, then you can be prosecuted and heavily fined.

Some of the mother bats may be relentless in their search for another way into your home or building to get to their babies. They could get in through gaps or cracks that might have been missed when setting up the exclusion devices. They might also try getting in through open doors and windows, and gain entry to the living or working areas of the home or building. The trauma of having a colony of mother bats rush through your open door desperately searching for their babies is not something you want to experience.bat